This festive season we have SIX great offers to add sparkle to your life!
Logophile since 2018
The most basic subject i.e. Etymology is not taught in schools. Logophilia Education Pvt. Ltd. does it in the best way possible. It has changed the way students look at words and the study of roots, prefixes, and suffixes impart clarity among students at Logophilia. The best of all is you don't need to mug up any of these.
Logophile since 2012
Logophilia made me learn how to deal with etymology. Now, I am able to figure out thousands of words even if I have never heard or seen those words before. Logophilia is incalculably useful for me and works better than any other method of learning words quickly and permanently. Thank You logophilia, thanks a lot for being with me in every walk of my life.
Logophile since 2018
Best institution. Period.
Before I signed up for this, I did not believe that a person could learn so much in just a span of about 8 hours. I felt my brain building muscles and evolving. The best part was that "NONE-OF-IT" felt like studying. I was having fun. Logophilia is proof of how learning can be made beautiful. I'm so thankful for this programme.